When you sell your house in Saskatoon, you may be selling for a variety of reasons. Sometimes you are moving into a new, larger home. Sometimes you are downsizing. Sometimes it is due to death or divorce, other times you just need a different location or you are moving to a different city. No matter the reason, you need to remember that the buyer of your home for sale in Saskatoon is likely excited to obtain their new home. Most people want to move into their new home with it being clean and ready to move in.
Use the mentality of how you would like to find your new home on possession day. Everyone has a different idea of what clean is but I ask that you make every reasonable effort to make sure the house is clean. That means: take out all garbage from your house, garage, sheds, yard, etc. A buyer will often make a bit of a mess moving in as well but at least if they have a clean start they can spot clean after the big move.
Don’t forget about the appliances! It is easy to remember the floors and the bathrooms but appliances often get overlooked. If you move out several weeks before possession you may want to leave the fridge plugged in and empty but if you do decide to turn off the fridge to save some power make sure to leave the doors propped open.
Leave the home how you would like to find it. That is pretty simple and easy to do and will be nice for the person who bought your Saskatoon house for sale as they know that you took pride in your home.
I look forward to working with you and helping you reach your home ownership goals. Reach out to get in touch and start the process today. I offer: