All public elementary schools in the City of Saskatoon are operated by the Saskaton Public School District. There are currently over 40 elementary schools that are from Kindergarden to grade 8 in the city with many more being planned in several of the new neighbourhoods.
School Name | Address | Phone | Neighbourhood |
Alvin Buckwold School | 715 East Drive | 306-683-7100 | Eastview |
Brevoort Park School | 2909 Early Drive | 306-683-7110 | Brevoort Park |
Brownell School | 274 Russell Road | 306-683-7120 | Silverwood Heights |
Brunskill School | 101 Wiggins Avenue | 306-683-7130 | Varsity View |
Buena Vista School | 1306 Lorne Avenue | 306-683-7140 | Buena Vista |
Caroline Robins School | 1410 Byers Crescent | 306-683-7150 | Westview Heights |
Caswell School | 204 30th Street W | 306-683-7160 | Caswell Hill |
*École College Park School | 3440 Harrington Street | 306-683-7170 | West College Park |
Confederation Park School | 3555 John A. Macdonald Road | 306-683-7180 | Confederation Park |
Dr. John G. Egnatoff School | 225 Kenderdine Road | 306-683-7190 | Erindale |
Dundonald School | 162 Wedge Road | 306-683-7200 | Dundonald |
Fairhaven School | 495 Forrester Road | 306-683-7210 | Fairhaven |
Forest Grove School | 501 115th Street E | 306-683-7220 | Forest Grove |
Greystone Heights School | 2721 Main Street | 306-683-7230 | Greystone Heights |
*École Henry Kelsey School | 16 Valens Drive | 306-683-7240 | Hudson Bay Park |
Holliston School | 1511 Louise Avenue | 306-683-7250 | Holliston |
Howard Coad School | 431 T Avenue N | 306-683-7260 | Mount Royal |
Hugh Cairns V.C. School | 2621 Cairns Avenue | 306-683-7270 | Adelaide/Churchill |
James L. Alexander School | 427 McCormack Road | 306-683-7280 | Parkridge |
John Dolan School | 3144 Arlington Avenue | 306-683-7290 | Eastview |
John Lake School | 2606 Broadway Avenue | 306-683-7300 | Avalon |
King George School | 721 K Avenue S | 306-683-7310 | King George |
Lakeridge School | 305 Waterbury Road | 306-683-7320 | Lakeridge |
*École Lakeview School | 527 Kingsmere Boulevard | 306-683-7330 | Lakeview |
Lawson Heights School | 430 Redberry Road | 306-683-7340 | Lawson Heights |
Lester B. Pearson School | 3620 Centennial Drive | 306-683-7350 | Pacific Heights |
Mayfair School | 510 34th Street W | 306-683-7360 | Mayfair |
Montgomery School | 3220 Ortona Street | 306-683-7370 | Montgomery |
North Park Wilson School | 1505 9th Avenue N | 306-683-7380 | North Park |
Pleasant Hill School | 215 S Avenue S | 306-683-7390 | Pleasant Hill |
Prince Philip School | 1715 Drinkle Street | 306-683-7400 | Nutana Park |
Princess Alexandra School | 210 H Avenue S | 306-683-7410 | Riversdale |
Queen Elizabeth School | 1905 Eastlake Avenue | 306-683-7420 | Queen Elizabeth |
*École River Heights School | 60 Ravine Drive | 306-683-7420 | River Heights |
Roland Michener School | 4215 DeGeer Street | 306-683-7430 | East College Park |
Saskatoon Christian School | Site 510, Box 3, R.R. #5 | 306-343-1494 | East of Stonebridge |
Saskatoon Misbah School | 222 Copland Crescent | 306-384-9499 | Grosvenor Park |
Silverspring School | 610 Konohowski Road | 306-683-7900 | Silverspring |
Silverwood Heights School | 403 Silverwood Road | 306-683-7450 | Silverwood Heights |
Sutherland School | 1008 Egbert Avenue | 306-683-7460 | Sutherland |
*École Victoria School | 639 Broadway Avenue | 306-683-7670 | Nutana |
Westmount School | 411 J Avenue N | 306-683-7490 | Westmount |
Wildwood School | 203 Rosedale Road | 306-683-7500 | Wildwood |
W.P. Bate School | 2515 18th Street W | 306-683-7510 | Meadowgreen |
All schools are K-8 and * indicates French Immersion.
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