Saskatoon News October 29, 2012

Warman Is Saskatchewan’s 16 City!

The town of Warman has grown to city status with 8000 residents. Warman is now officially Saskatchewan’s 16th city! The city manager, Ivan Gabrysha, stated that there were more housing starts by July than in all of 2011. There will be more than 250 new homes for sale in Warman this year and an industrial park that is completely built out.

Warman is the third fastest growing town/city in Saskatchewan, following only Saskatoon and Regina. Warman, Saskatchewan also has an extremely young average age at 31 so it is very common to see lots of young families in the area. Even though a new middle school will be opening next fall in Warman many believe Warman will need to lobby for another school as this one will be tight by then.

The “new” city status was celebrated on Saturday with the unveiling of a new sign, city logo and official colours. A visit from Bryan Warman, the grandson of the man who the town was named after (Cy Warman) will be visiting to celebrate. Cy Warman was a poet and journalist who came to the Prairies as he followed the building of the Northwest Railroad.

The community celebration this weekend also marks the grand opening of Warman’s new $20-million hockey and soccer centre known as the Legends Centre as it is near the Legends Golf Course and housing development. There was a live airing of the Saskatchewan Roughriders game which ran in conjunction with A Taste of Warman, Beer Gardens and free Public Skating. There were also children’s activities and at dusk a huge Fireworks display.

If you are thinking about buying a house for sale in Warman I would be more than happy to help you out as Warman is just outside of Saskatoon so it is within my area of expertise. If you are considering selling your home in Warman please contact me as well as I am a real estate agent in Saskatoon who services Warman, Martensville, and other surrounding communities.

Kari Calder
Saskatoon Real Estate Agent
Century 21 Fusion