December 1, 2016

A new scam to be aware of

If you have recently purchased a home or considering buying a home in Saskatoon, please read this important information. There is a new scam happening once again in real estate that you should be aware of. The plot is this: hackers find out your possession date, email you posing as a representative of your agent or lawyer, ask for money to complete your sale, then you wire transfer them money to a ‘new, updated’ account number.
Now hopefully this won’t happen to you or if it does, you’ll be wise enough to question the integrity of the baited email. Your law firm, your real estate brokerage and your realtor will never email you and tell you there has been last minute changes to the wiring instructions. If you chose to initially wire transfer the deposit to your real estate brokerage at the time of offer, the instructions will not change. Ensure you’re getting the information directly from your trusted real estate agent.
If you receive an email asking you to transfer money from someone that you don’t know personally, there are things you can do to protect yourself before sending over money:
-call your agent or lawyer and ask them why there’s been a change.
-independently confirm the wire transfer account information by calling the office directly.
-call the police and report the scam.

If anyone emails you and asks for money or your banking information, BEWARE. It happens to more people than you think. Don’t let it happen to you!

Kari Calder
Saskatoon real estate agent
Century 21 Fusion