Kari's Corner May Saskatoon Real Estate Market Update The month of May was a bit slower in the Saskatoon real estate market for purchases but the amount of houses for sale in Saskatoon increased. We had a 5% decrease in unit sales compared to 2012 but an increase of 3% for properties listed for sale in Saskatoon. So far in 2013 we have […]
Former Competition Bureau Head Against Organized Real Estate Goes Against Her Own Advice? As a real estate agent in Saskatoon I get a lot of information about non-relevant (to me)real estate matters across Canada but this one made me take time to read about it. Melanie Aitken is a well known name in real estate in Canada and not for a positive reason. She is the one many real estate agents […]
April Saskatoon Real Estate Market Update Due to an extremely cold and terrible winter in Saskatoon we had a bit of a slower start this year but an increase in the Saskatoon real estate market activity in April helps make up for some of that lost ground. Listing activity was up only 3% from 2012 but the sales activity was up […]
Willowgrove News-Spring 2013 As a Saskatoon real estate agent I am always being asked about what is happening in the different neighbourhoods in Saskatoon. I am a resident of Willowgrove and have been for 3 years, prior to that it was Arbor Creek and Silverspring. I am always excited to see new businesses popping up in our area and am […]
A Great Week For Saskatchewan! This month we have had some incredible talent in our province! I had the pleasure of attending Oprah in Saskatoon with some of my Century 21 Saskatoon real estate agent colleauges. It was a fantastic event!  Her impact on the world is incredible and her messages are of inspiration. The show was sold out and […]
This Just In-Saskatoon’s Population Expected To Boom! The title of this blog was a bit of a poke at the Star Phoenix as I don’t think it is new news that our population is expected to boom. I am always faced with the question “Why?” when people are talking about our population growth. Many people in Saskatchewan don’t understand how strong our […]
Saskatoon News March Saskatoon Real Estate Market Update The Saskatoon real estate market was busy in the month of March.  We saw an increase in listings of houses or condos for sale in Saskatoon by 21% and a 35% increase in sales. Spring tends to be the most active real estate market in Saskatoon. With the winter being as long as it was […]
Despite The Weather Saskatoon Has Moved Up To #5 Best Places To Live The first day of spring was yesterday. We were welcomed into spring with more snow and wind and white out conditions across Saskatchewan. Cars were being abandoned in the City of Saskatoon. Some highways were closed due to drifting snow and reduced visibility. Travel is still not recommended on many of the highways. Regina has […]
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February Saskatoon Real Estate Market Update The real estate market in Saskatoon in February was considerably slower in 2013 than 2012 but that may have had something to do with the weather we were experiencing! The first bit of March and the warmer weather seem to be affecting the Saskatoon real estate market in a good way. Saskatoon home listings were […]
Tips to Homeowners For Preparing For Spring Melt I am a homeowner in Saskatoon and I am concerned about the upcoming spring melt. I know that city crews are hoping for a slow snow melt and the City of Saskatoon is preparing for all of the snow to melt, but as a homeowner are you? I have some reminders and tips below to […]
Saskatoon-Fastest Growing City in Canada Saskatoon is growing-fast! For the third year in a row Saskatoon is the fastest-growing metropolitan area in Canada. This includes our bedroom communities of Warman, Martensville, Dundurn and Dalmeny and in the year long period ending in July we grew by 4.1% from 272, 771 to 284, 008 according to numbers released by Stats Canada […]
Convicts! Please Come Shovel In My Neighbourhood! I would LOVE to see convicted criminals in my neighbourhood as long as they are there for the right reason! As a REALTOR in Saskatoon I have had the pleasure of greeting various crews of criminals when I am out and I always enjoy their energy, despite the fact that they are criminals. Have you […]
The End of the Penny It is time. The penny is on its deathbed. While the Royal Canadian Mint stopped making pennies last year the process of rounding up those copper beauties will begin now to melt them down. The Mint estimates six billion pennies will be recovered even though 35 billion pennies have been produced since 1908. The penny […]
January Saskatoon Real Estate Market Update The January real estate market in Saskatoon was busier in the surrounding communities than in Saskatoon. Compared to 2012 the sales activity in communities and acreages outside of Saskatoon was up 40% which may have something to do with the mortgage changes as well as an overall shortage of houses for sale in Saskatoon in […]
Saskatoon Tax Notice Reassessments Explained Don’t panic! This is the message from the City of Saskatoon regarding the new property assessment notices that were mailed out last week. Many homeowners are stressing that their Saskatoon taxes are going to double or, in some cases, even triple based on the value of their homes going up since the last assessment in […]
Saskatoon North Bridge-To Become a Reality Soon? As a Saskatoon REALTOR® I am happy to hear that we may be one step closer to getting another bridge across the river but especially one heading to the North End of the city. I read an article in the Star Phoenix that reported that City Council is being asked to spend more than $100,000 on […]
Saskatoon Real Estate Update For December The Saskatoon real estate market remained strong in December, despite our early and very cold winter. We experienced a year over year increase of 7% in the average sales price and and increase of 5% in units sold. The average home price in Saskatoon is currently just under $332,000 at the end of December while […]
Kari's Corner Some Major Life Changes in 2013 Due to the amount of info around this exciting news I decided to write a blog announcement. I’m very excited to announce that my husband will be the newest President and CEO of SaskTel International.  For those of you who are from Saskatchewan know SaskTel to be our primary telecommunications company.  SaskTel International is a subsidiary of […]
Saskatoon News Life Of Pi-Saskatoon Author Sees Vision on Big Screen Saskatoon author, Yann Martel, is definitely having a great year! One of the big stories of the year in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix (and world wide) is the major motion picture of the famous book, Life of Pi. Yann Martel wrote the book while living in Montreal but he has been living here for quite […]
Saskatoon Real Estate News Saskatoon Real Estate Market Update for November The Saskatoon real estate market for the month of November continues to show strength with the year to date sales up 7% from 2011. The number of homes for sale in Saskatoon listed this year is on par with the number a year ago but a slight increase in selling activity puts a slight pressure on the […]