Saskatoon News

Saskatoon News Top Chef restaurant now open! After a much anticipated opening, Top Chef season one winner and local Saskatonian Chef Dale Mackay and his team have officially opened up his new restaurant, Ayden Kitchen and Bar. It’s taken just six months for his idea to become a reality and opening his own restaurant in Saskatoon has been something he’s wanted to […]
Winter park hopeful in Saskatoon Recently, the Optimist Club proposed an idea to city council involving the addition of a winter recreational area at Diefenbaker Park in the Exhibition area. The proposal is still in the early stages but would include a snowboarding park and tube hill. The Club asked the city for a 99 year lease for the portion […]
Saskatoon News Saskatoon tax increase for the new year The City of Saskatoon proposed a 7.26 % tax increase at a special council meeting at the beginning of December. City Officials say that the need comes from the challenges and growth in the city to repair a strained road system. Another portion of the increase was proposed to go to the Saskatoon Police Service […]
Saskatoon’s Newest Neighbourhoods – Kensington As Saskatoon continues to grow and expand with an influx of people, so do it’s boundaries.   Kensington is one of Saskatoon’s newest neighbourhoods on the west side of the city.  It’s located west of the Confederation Park and Pacific Heights neighbourhoods and north of 22nd street.  It is the first neighbourhood to be developed […]
A new kind of recycling As affordability remains an issue in Saskatoon, a vacant building in Riversdale is set to be transformed into residential housing that also has come up with a way to help subsidize costs. 525 20th Street West has notoriously held a bad reputation in Saskatoon. It previously held suites that had shared accommodation and attracted a […]
Affordable housing in need Affordable housing is in demand in Saskatoon and developers are taking note. Another new project is underway in the Riversdale area which will see the addition of several two storey condos, each with a garage. Layouts include studio, 1, or 2 bedroom units ranging up to 1,446 sq ft in size. The project is called […]
New schools set to be built in Saskatoon An announcement recently came that Saskatchewan will see the addition of 9 new joint use schools. Because of the provinces’ remarkable growth and to meet the challenges initiated by this growth, the government is ensuring that adequate infrastructure is in place. The schools will be built in four cities across the province with four being built […]
School enrolment is at an all time high Now that Saskatoon elementary schools are back in full session, the numbers are in and show that enrolment numbers are at a record high. After years of seeing growing numbers, the number of students has increased by almost 1,000 students across the city. The new numbers show that Saskatoon Public Schools show a record number […]
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Saskatoon’s 10 year plan The City has released a 10 year plan to help aid with traffic congestion in some of the growing Saskatoon neighbourhoods. They’ve narrowed down the priority list to include a North Commuter Bridge and arterial roads and interchanges in new suburbs to help people move easily into the rest of the city. The target is […]
Saskatoon’s skyline is about to change The corner of 22nd Street and 3rd Avenue is changing very soon.  It has been announced that North Prairie Developments has purchased the lot of the Affinity Credit Union and is planning on building a 27 storey tower in it’s place.  This City Centre Tower will possibly become Saskatchewan’s largest building. The Tower will be […]
Welcome to The Banks   The Riversdale area has been undergoing some rejuvenation recently and there’s an exciting new condo and commercial project underway.  The Banks project, constructed by the Le Fevre Group,  is offering affordable, quality constructed residential condominiums as well as commercial space in the River Landing area – also known as Parcel A.  There will be […]
Searching for a job? Your best bet is in Saskatoon. If you are a new graduate or considering switching jobs, it may benefit you to look outside your city in Canada. Not surprisingly, the best cities to find employment are out west, not in the east.  According to a recent study by job search site, areas in Ontario see almost 100 candidates for every […]
Saskatoon Real Estate Market Update For July The Saskatoon real estate market was busy in July this year, busier than the past few years. Sales were up 8% from the same month last year and the number of active houses for sale in Saskatoon and surrounding area is up 12% with 3062 in total and 1338 houses for sale in Saskatoon. The […]
Next Place To Invest? Maybe Dundurn? Megamall! Dundurn, Saskatchewan. Dundurn Megamall? Who would have thought that our little military town in Saskatchewan could be home to a massive megamall. Dundurn is located approximately 20 minutes from Saskatoon and only 5 minutes to Blackstrap Provincial Park and has less than 700 residents yet it appears it will be home to a 1,000,000 square foot […]
Kari's Corner Maybe Lulu Should Have Kept CANADA in a Canadian Company? This is unfortunate for what used to be a company that Canada could be proud of but I can’t say I was surprised to read about the news that Lululemon faces more legal action in the US relating to the recall of ‘too sheer’ black yoga pants. I had to laugh at one of my Saskatoon real […]
Saskatoon News June Saskatoon Real Estate Market Update The Saskatoon real estate market was busy in the month of June. We saw an increase in Saskatoon home buyers by 8% compared to 2013. We are still down a moderate 3% in overall sales in 2013 from 2012. One of the busiest price ranges of houses for sale in Saskatoon continues to be over $450,000 […]
PROUD TO ANNOUNCE! I am super excited to announce a new project that I will be working on along with two other awesome Saskatoon REALTORS ®. We will be working with reputable Saskatoon home builder North Prairie on a 100+ unit townhouse project in Martensville called Chaparral Ridge. The two agents who I have working with me on […]
Saskatoon News Saskatchewan Continues to Grow Despite Net Loss Saskatchewan continues to grow, despite a net loss to Alberta. We have gained over 4000 people in Saskatchewan since January 2013 as by the end of April we had 1, 093, 880 residents in Saskatchewan. We did have a net interprovincial loss though as data shows that during our first quarter we had 4690 people […]
Kari's Corner May Saskatoon Real Estate Market Update The month of May was a bit slower in the Saskatoon real estate market for purchases but the amount of houses for sale in Saskatoon increased. We had a 5% decrease in unit sales compared to 2012 but an increase of 3% for properties listed for sale in Saskatoon. So far in 2013 we have […]
April Saskatoon Real Estate Market Update Due to an extremely cold and terrible winter in Saskatoon we had a bit of a slower start this year but an increase in the Saskatoon real estate market activity in April helps make up for some of that lost ground. Listing activity was up only 3% from 2012 but the sales activity was up […]